Why Zoe Care ?

Our vision is to put technology at the service of our elderly and their care.

So that our elderly can live longer in the comfort of their own home, without safety nor privacy issue. This is the least they deserve. How would you feel about being constantly monitored by camera ?

So that caregivers feel less pressure when looking after the elderly, especially when they are not physically present. Whether they are professionals or family members, they need to be reinsured too, using a technology they can trust. Would you want to receive 3 false alarms a day,
or not know when a true accident happened ?

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People die every year from falls


Zoe Care has pioneered a distinctive sensing technology that scans and analyzes prevailing electromagnetic radio waves. Using a patented AI algorithm, it can accurately identify human motion. Unlike radar systems, it doesn’t rely on a direct line of sight between an emitter and the human body. Unlike most motion recognition algorithms, it operates independently without the need for cloud computing: all computations are processed locally on a lightweight chip.

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This cutting-edge technology is ideal for automated fall detection. It can accurately identify both abrupt and gradual falls, eliminating the need for sensors in every room, all without capturing any images or audio. This led to the creation of Zoe Fall, our pioneering product.

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Yet, its capabilities extend far beyond fall detection. It adeptly recognizes various movements like walking, standing up, lying down, breathing, eating, drinking, and more, all with exceptional precision. These detailed physiological insights are crucial for monitoring the health of chronic disease patients or elderly individuals at risk of losing autonomy. It’s this very purpose that drives us to the office each morning—to contribute to the extended and comfortable living of these individuals in their own homes.

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Meet our innovators

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Thomas Saphir

Co-founder and CEO
Seasoned deeptech entrepreneur and corporate executive, MSc CentraleSupélec MBA INSEAD

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Piotr Antonik

Co-founder and CTO
Associate professor in AI at CentraleSupélec, PhD in Physics UL Brussels

Join us ?

  • Are you a jedi in Machine Learning, in front-end development, or full stack ?
  • Are you passionate about the healthcare industry, and about elder care ?
  • Do you dream to become an early and key contributor of the next deeptech rocket ?

We are looking for top talents to accelerate the grow of Zoe Care…
so be curious and get in touch, you’ll be in for your time!

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